10 Reasons Why Are You Not Gaining Muscle

“Two Full Months in Gym and still no progress in muscle gaining” my friend screamed!

Before I could say anything, he dropped the bomb “I am going to quit!”

Friends, do you feel the same way?

If despite working religiously in the gym, you have not seen any gains, probably you are making some of these mistakes. Let us see what they are and how they affect your muscle building!

10 Solid Reasons You Are Not Gaining Muscles

Reason 1. You are growing Impatient (and confusing your brain too …)

When you start, there are some changes you cannot see. Your brain sees the development and tries to understand what is happening, but it takes time to send right signals.

Problem is, either everyday or every week you look in the mirror and try to compare. DON’T DO IT.

Be patient and keep up the hard work, results will come!

Reason 2. You are not Eating Enough

Proteins, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats and whole fresh fruits should form your diet. Salads may be good for diabetics, for cleansing your bowels, but not so good for bodybuilding. Whey protein when added to your daily diet will do wonders. Better if you create a whey protein shake and sip all through the day. For more choices, you can choose from this list of delicious whey protein shakes for muscle building!

You need calorie surplus diet to support muscle growth. This includes all energy expended from physical activity and internal processes. Avoid sugary drinks and all fast food.

Reason 3. Half-hearted Approach Never Works

Half reps are going to get you half-assed results. Learn how to perform the full range of motion for each exercise.

Initially, it can be difficult and is normal for everyone. However, try to go the extra mile and work out for the full rep set as given in your schedule.

To build muscle, you must lift weights. But it goes beyond that. You also have to consistently add resistance so your muscles adapt to the heavier weight. If you don’t create a workload that challenges your body, it won’t respond.

NO PAIN NO GAIN is the mantra. Remember this!

Reason 4. Your Timing is Wrong

Focus on big compound lifts at the beginning of your workouts while you’re fresh. Curls, front raises, lateral raises, and calf raises should be performed later. Exercises such as deadlifts, squats, cleans, presses and/or pulls should make up the first half of your workout.

Similarly, keep cardio for last, after which your gym session should end.

Reason 5. Muscles are NOT made in the Gym

Gym is not the park to spend time! Go to the gym, do your workouts and GO HOME!

Beginners can get plenty of work in a 45-min to 60-min workout, with proper breaks in-between. Ensure you relax in those breaks, and not start chatting on Facebook or WhatsApp!

Looking other bodybuilders workout will ADD TO YOUR STRESS LEVELS! Instead, do yourself some good and go home and chill!

Reason 6. You are Not Relaxing Enough!

Tension from office, girl friend, home will work against your bodybuilding efforts. Meditate, watch movies, listen music … do whatever but chill enough.  The more you keep your mind cool the better.


Reason 7. Not Drinking Enough Water

Remember, Muscles need water to grow. The more you drink, the better your muscles. Sip water all day. If you have difficulty,

  1. Try drinking cold water as it is much easier.
  2. Drop a few rose petals and then drink, or
  3. Put a few fruit slices like mango, strawberry and drink this fruit-enriched water.
  4. Part solution can be to include fruit juice (but do not stop eating whole fruits because of this)

Reason 8. Similar Workouts Bore Your Body

Unfortunately you have been using the same workout too long. Building muscle is the process of your body reacting to increased stress. Stress your muscles in the gym, and they grow bigger to cope with it. The body is very quick to adapt to any changes, this includes your workout. Once your body adapts to your workout routine, it will not see the need to build more muscle or get stronger.

You have to change.

Change your workout when you stop getting stronger or heavier.

Reason 9. Sleep, Sleep and Sleep

Our bodies recharge and heal when we sleep. Bodybuilders need to sleep at least 8-10 hours so that your muscles can heal and get ready for the next day’s grueling schedule.

Reason 10. Feed Slow-Digesting Protein while you sleep

Cottage cheese digests slowly, just matching your body’s digesting ability when you sleep. Have some before you sleep, at bed time and this will ensure your muscles get enough protein for their recovery.

Recommended: casein supplements – slow digesting protein powder


Bodybuilding has science behind it and some essentials you should focus on. Like drinking water, sleeping and protein are the essentials without which you just cannot grow!