10 Simple Exercises to Get Rid of Love Handles

Bad habits die hard and so is Bad Fat. Side fat appear first and is the last one to leave as well. We know everyone is eager to get rid of side fat or at least reduce side fat. Well do not fret as we tell you how to remove love handles or side fat quickly and without fuss.

Cheer up because now we show you some exercises that rid side fat easier than you thought. It would be a miracle isn’t it? Not really, because these workouts are specially designed to reduce love handles totally and effectively. So why wait? Kill your love handles and bring back your figure.

Follow These Exercises to Get Rid of Love Handles

1. The Oblique Crunch

This exercise naturally targets the oblique muscles and helps reduce all of the side fat quickly. Moreover it targets both upper fat and lower fat equally. Here is the sequence:

How to Do: Step by Step

  1. First lie down on your back then bend your knees and lift the legs till your calves are horizontal.
  2. Place your left hand behind your head and keep your right arm to your side, straight.
  3. Press your Right Forearm to the ground, then lift your Left Side of your Torso, and then try to touch your left elbow to your left knee.
  4. Now turn your left knee towards your Left Elbow as you lift your Left Torso.
  5. Do this 10 times and do the same on your other side.

Your First Exercise is over!

2. Piqued Elbow Twists (Fight your Love Handles easily)

This exercise again targets your obliques and does it very effectively. You will realize this after completing this easy exercise.

How to Do: Step by Step

  1. Lie down on your back keeping legs straight and arms extended.
  2. Careful now: Lift your legs and arms in a sit-up position so that your torso is off the floor and you balance on your butts (do not rush)
  3. If having any difficulty keeping legs straight, start with bent knees until your calves are horizontal. Now maintain that position for a few seconds.
  4. Twist your torso to your right, bend your right arms and touch the right elbow to the floor.
  5. Now twist to your left and touch your left elbow to the floor.
  6. Keep alternating from left to right and repeat 20 times each.

Second exercise is over.

Take some rest for a couple of minutes and start with this exercise.

Related: 5 special exercises to get six pack abs

3. Mermaid

A good exercise for concentrating on your side muscles specifically. By the way it also kills love handles effectively and slices the waist within no time.

How to Do: Step by Step

  1. First, lie down on your right side keeping legs straight and feet on top of each other.
  2. If you have any difficulty, cross your ankles a bit, but ensure you keep them together.
  3. Lastly, keep your legs a bit forward so that instead of resting on your hip, you rest on your bum cheeks.
  4. Now lift your legs as high as you can and then lower them back to the starting position.
  5. Repeat 20 times.

Exercise done!

4. Straight Leg Lifts (Lower Belly Fat and Love Handle Killer exercise)!

Do you know lifting legs kill your lower belly fat? The more reps you do, the faster the results appear!

How to Do: Step by Step

  1. First, lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor. Take a few deep breaths.
  2. Now place your hand under your bums and straighten both your legs as far as possible.
  3. Finally, lift your legs up as high as you can and lower them back without touching the floor. Keep the legs straight at all times. (Initially it may appear difficult but slowly you will be able to do it. Do Not Rush is the key here.
  4. Do 20 reps.

5. Tummy Tucker Move! (Inspired by Yoga)

Yes, this move is inspired from the famous Surya (Sun) Namaskara (Worship) steps.

This exercise affects the whole of the body and very effective for toning abs, and killing off that very stubborn side fat. Do not Rush is the key and repeat till the point you are comfortable. Once you are confident continue on the remaining parts.

How to Do: Step by Step

  1. Stand with your feet apart and keep your abs firm.
  2. Now bend forward with your legs straight and then walk forward with your hands until you are in a plank position.
  3. Next, bend your right knee and try to touch your right elbow.
  4. Now take that same knee to the centre and touch your chest.
  5. Now move it to the left and touch your left elbow
  6. Bring back the leg and now repeat the same exercise with your left leg.
  7. Keep alternating and do 15-20 reps.

All Done!

Again, take some rest, walk a few steps, jump 2-3 times and either laugh or smile. This lightens your body and you can continue with the next exercises.

6. Dumbbell Side Bend

This is a killer move which is the modified version of the ever popular exercise. See how your side fat is shamed and it soon begins to move away!

How to Do: Step by Step

  1. First, grab a dumbbell in each of your hand and stand with your feet hip width apart.
  2. Now bend from your waist to your left side as low as you can and at the same time sweep your arms in an arch overhead as you bend. Allow your straight hand to touch your ear first and then it can bend freely.
  3. Straighten up and repeat on the other side.
  4. Keep alternating and do 20-25 reps.Next time, try with a bit heavy dumbbells.

Exercise over!

7. Easy Hip Dips!

This movement is highly effective for toning your oblique muscles and that too with all the benefits of a side plank.

Alternating between different moves benefits your body very much.

How to Do: Step by Step

  1. First align yourself in a forearm plank position and roll to one side in forearm side plank position.
  2. After you get your balance, place your free hand on your hip and start dipping your lower hip to the floor up and down.
  3. Do 20-25 reps on each side.

8. Dumbbell Triangles

A great stretching exercise aimed at your sides and hamstrings as well. Adding dumbbells means adding weight and it doubles the effect. Now your obliques are also affected.

How to Do: Step by Step

  1. Position yourself vertically with your feet wide apart.
  2. Point your left foot leftward and your right foot forward.
  3. Hold a dumbbell in your right hand. You should use your heaviest dumbbell and straighten that arm overhead, slightly sideways. (If doing for the first time, try with light dumbbell and do not rush).
  4. Now bend to your left side and try reaching the floor on the left with your left hand.
  5. Stoop as low as you can without compromising the position and with your back straight.
  6. Do 20-25 reps on each side.

9. Circular Side Planks

This is a marvelous exercise which targets your love handles, lower belly pouch, tones your bum and especially the oblique muscles easily. When you arrive here, all your previous exercises would be working profusely on your body and while attempting this one, the affected parts speak for themselves.

Tip: Your body should be fresh before starting this one. Move a bit around, jump 8-10 times and lightly stretch your arms and legs for a few seconds.

How to Do: Step by Step

  1. First you get into a side plank position and lower the knee closer to floor.
  2. Now lift your upper leg until it is horizontal and totally straight.
  3. Start tracing big circles with that leg. Increase the diameter as large as possible.
  4. Trace 25 circles clockwise anticlockwise and then repeat on the other side.

Think about it, how did that feel? Exercise is complete.

10. Replicate a Starfish successfully.

This is a killer variation of the Side Plank which reduces side fat magically.

How to Do: Step by Step

  1. Get yourself in the side plank position and do get hold of your balance.
  2. Stack one foot on top of the other and raise your arm up.
  3. Lift the leg on top and straighten it and simultaneously try to touch your toe with your hand and then return to the starting position.
  4. Do 20 reps and repeat on the other side.

Boo Hoo! This brings us to the end of these easiest exercises. Continue every day and move in top gear towards wishing the love handles bye bye! Stand in front of the mirror and be proud! You did it!