5 Effective Tips to Gain Weight Naturally At Home

Youngsters are a confused lot you know. Neither here nor there – meaning they do like the slim figure, but also dream of having some weight gain so that the branded clothes fit nicely and lifting their appearance. The problem is just thinking or dreaming never solves the problem.

There is some good news on this front. We can show you how men and women can gain weight naturally at home and that to with the minimum fuss and trouble. You just read the following discussion and decide which tips you can grab and guide yourself to the best figure.

Reasons for Not Gaining Weight

Hereditary reasons also play a big part in deciding how your body weight is distributed. You should consult your doctor to rule out any hormonal imbalance. There can also be some nutritional deficiency which prevents you from weight gain.

Examination stress, environmental stress and emotional problems also play havoc with your body. Tight working hours, financial problems, many a time keep you off from getting hungry. It is better to invest some time in meditation to ward off these situations and then whatever steps you take for bettering your body, give good dividends.

How to Gain Weight Naturally At Home : Best Tips

Some natural weight gaining foods and some weight gain supplements do the job easily. If you follow these tips properly, then weight gain will surely appear within a few weeks. Some people also try their hands by consuming ayurvedic medicines to gain weight or even homeopathic medicines. There is no harm, provided you consult your medical practitioner because sometimes individuals do suffer from strong reactions.

1. Some exercise should be done to gain weight

Along with a proper diet, some exercise always helps you gain weight. Exercises up your metabolism and when you eat a healthy diet, it is equally distributed throughout the body and you see favourable results within short time.

2. Weight Gain Supplement is often the best way out

Loaded with proteins, which also help your muscles grow, the weight gainer supplements are one of the best options which are totally natural. These supplements also have lots of carbohydrates and other essential nutrients which help your cause.

To quicken the process of weight gain, you can easily add a seasonal fruit like a banana or strawberries to the weight gain supplement and create a tasty, delicious weight gaining shake which you can sip slowly and throughout the day for effectively nurturing your body. These shakes pack high calories, which are beneficial for putting on weight.

For best results, always pair these shakes with weight lifting or other strenuous exercises.

3. Make a plan and stick to it for the next few months

Every  systematic plan needs some steps and one should stick to them. Irrespective of whether you are vegetarian or non, the steps remain the same. Have a look and stick to those you feel are convenient.

  1. Start with small goals like getting ready to stick to the plan.
  2. Make a schedule for starting exercises like yoga, and then on to weight lifting etc.
  3. Take enough proteins to feed your muscles while you enjoy weight lifting. Whey protein serves best which is natural and our body accepts it gleefully.
  4. Eat a mix of dates, figs and dried raisins 3-4 times a day. Chew them finely before swallowing.
  5. Add almonds to the above mix after a few days.
  6. Start eating Ghee and sugar or white butter and sugar daily for quick weight gain.
  7. Eat seasonal fruits daily like mango or banana.

Natural foods make your body healthy and strong internally and you can easily ward off diseases.

4. Eat only whole grains for healthy weight gain

Keep away from processed foods like Maida, coke and pasta. Reach for whole wheat flour so that you gain healthy weight and NOT get fat. Simply putting on weight will make you look ugly and all your hard work will go down the drain.

Include eggs, soy products, milk products like cheese, butter, nuts like almonds, walnut, cashew nuts and meat products. These all are good for your body and help in weight gain.

Hydrate your body with enough plain water so that not only you drain toxins out of your body, you also help build muscles which provide the perfect shape.

5. Ensure a Good Sleep at nights every day

Nature has created nights for some reason. Switch off all your electronic gadgets and ensure you have a full 8-9 hours of sleep which is totally healthy. Sleep recharges your batteries, help in digestion, metabolism and you get up refreshed the next day.

The process of gaining weight naturally begins at home. Carefully drafting your daily plan, eating wholesome food products, joined with exercise and within a few weeks you will see the favourable results to appear.