10 Health Benefits of Whey Protein Powder

Indians have plenty of protein options like Daal (Lentils), Dahi (Yoghurt), Paneer (Cottage Cheese), Peanut, Egg Whites but ever wonder why everyone promotes Whey Protein Powder? Because research studies show that when fat burning or weight loss or lean muscle gain is considered, Whey Protein scores above all other options by over 10%. This is when all other parameters were same and every participant ate similar meals and had similar resistance training. Wow, 10% is a BIG difference.

There are two other reasons which seldom anyone speaks about. First is, convenience in consuming Whey Protein is most evident. Consider how many egg whites or how much Dahi you need to eat for, say, getting 24 grams of protein? Whey protein can just be mixed in milk or curd or fruit juice and gulped quickly. This is just not possible with any other protein form.

Second is digesting the consumed protein. Whey, as soon as consumed it is digested whereas all other forms need much longer to assimilate the nutrients.

So, it can easily be said that Whey Protein Powder is more beneficial than other known sources. The reasons just do not end here, in fact, they have just started. The time is ripe to tell you all the benefits Whey Protein have built-in.

Before showing you the benefits, let us tell you what is Whey Protein and the various types it is marketed.

What is Whey Protein?

Whenever you set Curd (Dahi) or when milk gets sour, we see two separate parts: liquid and milk-solids. This liquid part is Whey and since it is extracted from milk, it has all qualities associated with milk. But as lactase (the white portion) is removed, Whey is very low in lactose but very high in protein. When this liquid whey is evaporated, we get Whey Protein Powder, broadly called the Whey Protein Concentrate.

Types of Whey Protein

  • Whey Protein Concentrate

Whey concentrate has low levels of fat and carbohydrates (lactose) depending on the concentration amount. Lower end concentrates tend to have 30% protein; higher concentrations can be up to 90% protein.

  • Whey Protein Isolates (WPI)

The concentrate is further processed to remove all the fat and lactose. WPI is usually at least 90% protein.

These bottles are going to be a little more expensive than whey concentrate, but they’re perfect for those watching their carbs since they’re mostly straight protein. Whey isolates are also quicker to digest than whey concentrate.

  • Whey Protein Hydrolysate

This type of protein is considered to be the ‘predigested’ form of whey protein as it has already undergone partial hydrolysis – a process necessary for the body to absorb protein. It’s highly absorbed and easy to digest, so your body can readily use it.

This is the most expensive type of whey protein. It’s commonly used in medical protein supplements and infant formulas because of its improved digestibility and reduced allergen potential.

So now you know the types of Whey Protein marketed and the benefit each one has over the other. Some are cheap whereas the others are expensive and suit a particular purpose. For example, those with lactose intolerance, that is, who are allergic to milk, can easily consume the Isolate & Hydrolysate whereas the normal people can opt for the cheaper, concentrate option.

Recommended: Best Whey Proteins to Build Muscle Fast

Top 10 Benefits of Whey Protein You Must Know

1. Gain Muscle (and Lose Fat 🙂 )

Gain Muscle No FatM = Muscle and M = Money and no one wants to lose these hard earned monies. 🙂

After workouts when you nourish your body with whey protein, you gain muscles. Everyone knows that keeping money is as difficult as earning it, and the same goes with muscles.

Research says that with resistance training you no doubt build strength; you also build Lean Muscle Mass. Also, when whey protein is thrown in the mix, you build Lean Body Mass and the unwanted Fat was also seen reducing.

Added Benefit
Gains in lean body mass mean you’ll be burning more calories even when you’re resting!!!

2. Increase Your Endurance Levels

Increase Endurance LevelsWell if you start working out in the gym, have whey protein then gradually you will see that you are able to exercise for more time before getting exhausted. Within a few months you will see the time doubles before you decide to end.

The research study showed that whey supplementation not only improved body composition, but also strengthened the muscles and became an effective aid to allow them to work out longer.

3. Stop Hunger Pangs / Food Cravings

Stop Hunger PangsResistance training improves your metabolism and whatever you eat is digested quickly. This also means your body can now ask for more food. Okay, we know we can feed healthy food, but like a nursing mother feeding her child whenever it cries, can be a pain. Keeping almonds or something similar helps, but it can frustrate us.

The Easy Solution
Include whey protein in your meals and your body will not demand food, food, food … J

The Scientific Reason
Researchers found that, four hours after drinking a beverage with 50 grams of whey, the subjects had significantly reduced levels of Ghrelin, a hormone responsible for telling your brain that you are full after meals.

With decreased levels of this hormone, there is less desire for snacking and fewer ways to get yourself in trouble with unnecessary calories.

Related: How to control hunger and fight cravings

4. Better Blood Sugar Control

Blood Sugar ControlIf you eat bread, sugar enters your blood quickly. However if you eat your slice with protein, it helps control the rate at which sugar enters the bloodstream. This is the sole reason why bodybuilders recommend mixing whey protein with Fruit Juices. So you get carbs for instant energy and it does not increase your blood sugar too. So it is a Double Benefit, even for Diabetics!

Scientific Reason
LiveScience published a study which confirms that combining whey with sugary foods helps diabetics lower their blood sugar. When diabetics combined whey protein with sugary meals, their insulin production increased and their blood sugar did not spike.

5. Sleep Enhancer & Stress Reducer

Sleep Enhancer & Stress ReducerIf you sleep well, chances are your stress levels reduce as well.

Whey being a complete protein, it has all of our essential amino acids, including Trytophan.

This Tryptophan makes you feel calm and sleepy after a big dinner. But it’s also linked to your brain’s production of Serotonin.

With low levels of serotonin, you may suffer from sleeplessness and start to show signs of having anxiety and depression. However, by increasing your serotonin levels through a diet rich in protein like whey, you’ll be able to produce more serotonin and keep those feelings of stress at bay.

Can you name any other cheap nutrient which offers this benefit? Write to us to enlighten!

6. Whey Protein Lowers Blood Pressure

Whey Protein Lowers Blood PressureAsk hypertension patients how difficult it is to live with this disease. It is one of the leading risk factors for heart disease. But there is some good news for these people now.

Research is an endless job and some studies have linked consumption of dairy products with reduced blood pressure. This effect is attributed to a family of bioactive peptides called “Angiotensin-converting Enzyme Inhibitors” or ACE-inhibitors.

In Whey Proteins, the very same ACE-inhibitors are called as Lactokinins. Several studies on animals and humans have demonstrated their beneficial effects on blood pressure.

In a revelation study with obese individuals showed that with whey protein supplementation given 54 grams per day for 12 weeks, lowered their systolic blood pressure by 4%. Even other milk proteins “casein” had similar results.

The same study also showed that it lowered the Bad Cholesterol “LDL”.

Also, another supportive fact finding study showed that same results appeared when whey protein concentrate was given, 22 grams per day for 6 weeks.

The only caveat was, that, the improved results were restricted to those who had elevated levels of blood pressure (kind of good news).

These tests clearly show that whey protein does improve blood pressure.

Another Benefit
The Journal of Dairy Science also brings good news; the study reports that giving healthy men milk containing whey protein, not only lowered their triglycerides and systolic blood pressure, but also raised their HDL levels, or good cholesterol levels.

7. Promotes Muscle Growth

Promotes Muscle GrowthWith increasing age, your muscle mass decreases. This normally leads to fat gain and raises the risk of chronic diseases raising their ugly head.

This adverse change in body composition is either stoppable or partly reversible too, provided you start strength training and have adequate diet.

The Effective Strategy
When strength training is coupled with high-protein foods or protein supplements, the results are exemplary. Here, particularly effective are those proteins, which are rich in branched chain amino acid (BCAA) Leucine. This is present in Whey Protein.

Leucine is the most laudable growth promoting (anabolic) of the entire amino acids.

This is the sole reason why Whey Protein is effective for prevention of age-related muscle loss and for improved strength and a better-looking body too.

After your strength training, Whey Protein shake is highly effective. Just before you sleep, having a small slice of cottage cheese (casein), feeds your muscles all night because it is a slow acting protein compared to whey, which acts and digests quickly.

Do you know what muscles are made up of? In addition, what else you need, which is free and is essential in muscle gain?

8. Reduce Inflammation Significantly

Just like Fever, Inflammation is part of our body’s response to damage. The indication shows that something may be wrong. If it exists for small amount of time, there is no need to panic. However, if it prolongs for much long duration, it can be harmful and is a risk factor for many diseases. It may reflect underlying health problems or bad lifestyle habits.

The Good News
A new review study found that high doses of Whey Protein supplements significantly reduced C-reactive Protein (CRP), a key marker of inflammation in the body.

9. Enhance Body’s Antioxidant Defenses

Do you know antioxidants are substances, which act against oxidation in our body? They do so by reducing oxidative stress and cut the risk of various multifaceted chronic diseases.

One of the most important antioxidants known to humans is Glutathione.

Normally we consume antioxidants from our diet whereas Glutatione is itself produced in our body. However, the production is dependent on the supply of several amino acids such as Cysteine which is produced in low quantities.

Whey protein boosts this Cysteine because it inherently has it within and hence can boost our body’s natural antioxidant defenses.

Those of us who consume whey protein reduce oxidative stress levels and increase the overall quantity of Glutathione. This is another fine use of whey protein and one should try using under all circumstances.

10. Prevent Cancer!!!

Prevent CancerYes, the effect of Whey Protein passes many boundaries and Cancer is one of them. Read the below text carefully and understand why we included in this article.

Researchers used whey protein on human prostate cells and then measured the amount of Glutathione that was present in the cells afterward. Glutathione, known as the “mother of all antioxidants” is the key here. This antioxidant absorbs free radicals and prevents cancer, just like other sulphur containing foods like wheatgrass and kale.

So do you have any idea how did the whey protein work on the prostate cells?

Amazingly, there was a 64% increase in glutathione because of the Whey Protein treatment.

“Whey is a great source of the amino acid Cysteine, and this Cysteine can become Glutathione in the body”.

Researchers believe that increased levels of glutathione may prevent free radicals from becoming cancerous cells, which is impressive in our book.

Whey protein has many dimensions. Bodybuilding is just the tip of the iceberg. If you make it a part of your daily lifestyle, your meals and snacks and as your before-bedtime protein, amazing results will follow. The only thing you need extra is resistance training, which ensures all the protein you ingest will benefit the body in one way or the other. Why leave any stone unturned when something so beautiful and easy nutrient is available today?