10 Simple Ways to Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally

Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone. In men, testosterone plays a key role for muscle mass, fat loss and health. Here’s the guide on how to increase testosterone naturally and safely.

To many, this may be a scary thought: Today’s men are less than their fathers (speaking hormonally that is). This is because of the lifestyle in vogue and the amount of medication your generation takes. Men from the 80s were much better placed than today.

Low Testosterone is usually associated with reduced sex drive and less muscle mass. A recent study says that lower testosterone levels may raise the risk of depression. But the good news is that Strength Training spikes the testosterone levels and living a healthy, non-monotonous life also goes a long way keeping the hormone levels to the top. Though there are some completely natural compounds that can rescue your precarious situation as well.

Recommended: Top 10 testosterone boosters for muscle growth

Testosterone makes a man a man. This normally produced hormone is responsible for many things which include the following:

  1. Sexual Drive
  2. Building Muscle
  3. Confidence Levels
  4. Body Strength
  5. Keep off depression
  6. Keep fat away from your tummy! (Great for six pack Abs)

It is that important but sadly enough, it is an area many men start to fall short in. Though the Testosterone levels drop as we age but if proper steps are taken this slide can be halted. One such is resistance training we mentioned above. But even that needs be done in short bursts and not for a prolonged amount of time.

Now we discuss the ways & means to stop the decreasing hormone, naturally. There are herbs, foods and exercises that top our list. Everything listed here is natural and we know you will be surprised how some foods we ignored, contain the key to maintaining the T levels.

10 Natural Ways to Boost Testosterone Levels

1. Fenugreek

FenugreekUsed for centuries, Fenugreek finds its use in foods, poultices as recommended in Ayurveda and from modern bodies like International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. It reduces body fat and improves Testosterone levels. It also cajoles your sex drive if it is on the wane and can increase libido.

You can use it in curries, or eat the greens or sprinkle the dried form in soups, salads etc. Also, you can soak the seeds overnight, then drink the water in the morning and chew the seeds. You can also make a paste and refrigerate and use one tablespoon daily on empty stomach every morning.

2. Ginger

GingerGinger’s health benefits are stronger than you have ever imagined. It fights nausea, inflammation and even cancer and it can significantly improve testosterone and semen quality in infertile men. Cut into thin juliennes and sprinkle some table salt and drizzle some lemon juice, when the Ginger turns pink. This is very tasty and makes an attractive addition to any salad.

3. Tribulus Terrestris

Tribulus TerrestrisConsume six grams of this root for 2 months and find improved erections and satisfying sex and improving low sperm counts. It reduced sexual fatigue and nausea. The tests show that the testosterone levels jumped by over 16%. The root is bitter no doubt but looking at the results, one can ignore especially when it comes as a natural solution.

4. Egg Yolks, too helpful to toss it away

Egg Yolks, too helpful to toss it awayBodybuilders often tossed this yellow part out. It is time to rethink because not only because it comes with saturated fat to keep your heart strong, but it helps in producing Testosterone.

Not many know that this sex hormone is actually formed out of Cholesterol and if your diet is free of saturated fat and cholesterol how problematic this can be! Always aim to keep your saturated fat between 15-25% of total daily fat intake.

5. Get Diets Full of Fats

Healthy FatsLow fat diets naturally crush all natural testosterone production and the manly feeling will just disappear. Fat can be healthy as long as you check your calorie intake and choose your sources wisely. Except for trans fats, which have nothing to do for our cause, fats from Avocado, Fatty Fish, nuts and seeds and oils most certainly do matter.

6. Be Quick at Strength Training

Strength TrainingDon’t drag your strength training for long. If you cannot maintain the intensity, the training is of no use as far as Testosterone is concerned. The best workouts are those which are short but intense. Unnecessarily dragging will bring in Cortisol and it will put you in a catabolic state where your muscles will be destroyed for energy. This is totally against what you are aiming to achieve.

7. Stop Smoking

Stop SmokingIf you have not done it till date, it will kill your natural testosterone levels also. This is the most devastating thing you can do to your health. Go cold turkey and you will see an instant boost. Now isn’t this a good habit to maintain your manliness?

8. Kill the Sugar Habit

Stop Eating SugarSugar is the worst food you can put in your body. Not only it sets you up for weight gain, it will also finish your natural testosterone stores and arrest the release when needed. Each time you eat a sugary food, expect your testosterone levels to drop.

9. Choose Whey Protein and NOT Soy

Whey Protein PowderSoy tends to promote Estrogen formation in your body and it surely is not going to help a man trying to boost his testosterone levels. It is better to go for Whey Protein powder which does not have any such side effects.

Recommended: Best Whey Protein Powder for Quick Muscle Building

10. Rest is Essential

Rest is EssentialNeed lean muscle mass and boost testosterone levels in one go? Ensure you have adequate amount of sleep every night. This is critical and don’t think only extra exercise is better. NO, it is not.

Too much exercise can push you to the state of overtraining and your entire hormonal balance will shift for worse. It may even take a few months before you restore normalcy. So, take this in bold words, sleep is very essential for muscles, and to boost your natural testosterone levels.