Mold Your Upper Body Ideally with Simple Home Based Exercises

Everyone is worried about their beach bodies as soon as winters end. We all want to get into the perfect shape to avoid ourselves unnecessary embarrassment. However, with summer comes laziness especially when you’ve taken off from work or college has just ended.

You may not want to go all the way to the gym. On another note, summer may be super busy for some individuals who are interning or making a living for themselves. Then there are the individuals who don’t actually have the time to breathe; who don’t miss gym because they’re lazy, but because they’re busy.

So for these individuals, we bring the simplest exercises to take on to tone up ideal for the season!

1. Push it up

Don’t want to invest in weights or any other equipment as a matter of fact? Take on the conventional push up technique. Yes, it may be hard initially and even two at a time would be an achievement, but with time, patience and consistency, you gain more threshold.

If you haven’t ever tried to do one, here’s how it works: you take on the posture of a plank, placing your palms on the floor and arms at a distance of your shoulders. Provide stability to your body through your balls of your feet. Make sure that your body is kept totally straight as you move your chest down to about 2 inches above the floor and then bring it back up to the position where you started. Repeat the process 15 times. This will definitely shape your upper body along with the fundamental muscles.

2. Chair Plunge

The only equipment you need for this one is a chair as its name states, or a bench would do fine too. If you’re sick of the jiggling arms, this is the exercise you need to adopt. It aims right at the triceps, removing the extra blubber off of your arms.

Place yourself on the boundary of a chair or bench, with your hands next to each hip (holding either the wings of the chair or border of the bench). Push your buttocks ahead, a little off the boundary, but place it near the chair or bench. Now, keeping your shoulders straight, bring your bottom down and then back up. Repeat the process.

3. Revamped Plank

You can perform this exercise whenever you want to. It helps you work on the toughness of your upper body (arms included). It also provides you with stability, making it the perfect practice to start with if you’re new to the working out regime. Wondering how to go about it?

Let us enlighten you. Start by placing yourself on the floor, taking help from your hands and knees for stability. Bring your hands ahead till the point where they fall right under your shoulders. Now you’re gathering stability through your toes. Keep yourself straight like a ruler from your skull to toes, stiffening the stomach. Stay this way for at least 15 seconds or more (if you desire), holding your muscles in, in the same position. Then let go and repeat. This is a little different than the normal plank as it tones your muscles at a greater length.

4. Bicep Twine

This works best for toning down the fat on the upper arm. Not only does this practice make you legible to rock those sleeveless tops and dresses, rather it also provides you with the everyday strength and energy you need to carry out tough chores, as it builds good muscle.